The other team doesn’t and it is only in that zone
Yes, that’s possible.
how do I do it?
You will need a zone, relay, and a speed modifier.
Wires up the zone to the relay, then the relay to the speed modifier.
Make sure you set the relay to a specific team.
How do I make it just affect one team
Place a zone, set the scope to “Team” (important), and then wire that to a speed modifier and you’re all set!
This will make it affect only one team.
Got it Thank you
I don’t know if Zones have a scope type of thing but here is what you could do!
- Trigger
- Zone
- Speed Modifier
First wire the zone to the trigger
Trigger setting:
Now wire it to the Speed Modifier
And get Another & Another Speed modifier (That is normal speed!) trigger and when triggered → Set to configured Speed.
Oops make sure the second one has a delay of 5 seconds!
If you want everybody to get it in their team then use a relay.
Edit #4 : oh no! Make sure The trigger scope is the team you want it to be!
That make it so the whole team gets the speed boost, regardless of if they’re in the zone
What do you mean?
Did you only want one player from that team to get a speed boost?
I want them to only get the speed boost if they are in the zone
Eek. You’re probably doing something wrong. Try again, then I’ll look into it.
Yes, they will get the speed boost once there in the zone.
Okay so I tested it again, it works, but the problem is when they leave they still have the speed boost
Make another speed modifier set to 1, and wire the zone to the new speed modifier for “When player leaves zone → set speed”
Oh, now I understand. Basically you will just need another speed modifier. You will wire the zone to it. Make sure it’s set to “player leaves zone” → "set player to configured speed.
Edit: Dang it! Someone already said it.
Ok that makes sense how would I make it do that only if a player is on a certain team?