Is there a way to make a "tube kaboom" (not trying to get yeeted into shadow realm so I used synonyms)

I don’t think you can make something happen by chance.

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ok, so make a random number generator, and put 5 numbers. Then, make 1 number send KO message. finnally, respawn when Ko message


it is possible. i just don’t know how, but others do

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basically, have blocks pick a number from 1 to 5. one of those numbers trigger the pipe.


Its called a tube kaboom bud.

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they meant pipe bobm

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Its basically the same thing


@relebloz3 @Coolcaden26 . don’t start fights.


that’s fair

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pls dont argue,

“tube kaboom”

:rofl: perfection

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I wasn’t trying to start a fight, I was just trying to make a useless argument.

purge moment

What is that supposed to mean @XxGuyt6517xX ?

If you watch the purge series then ykyk

Well, if you are using a button to open the thing, then just wire the button to a trigger (With the block code of a randomizer) and if the number equal the number of your choice make it broadcast on channel “Your Choice” then get a team switcher set to specific team (Spectator) and make it switch the player team when receiving on “Your Choice”
How to make a quick easy randomizer(updated version))

This is the very solution you need also it must be pipe bomb, right?

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Nooooo now Microsoft family is going to block it for him. :sob:

please dont say yeeted that was used in like 2019 and 2020 please bro do us a favor no offense

you use Microsoft family? oof [1]

  1. no pun intended ↩︎