Is there a way to check if a player is within a certain distance of a player or sentry of another team

well if there in a zone of that distance

do you know if there is a guide on it

You could use a tag zone and disable respawning.
(I’m pretty sure this would work but I’ve never actually used a tag zone.)
I don’t think tag zones work for sentries, so you could place a normal zone on them, and transmit on the channel when a player enters the zone.

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I don’t think this will work with what I’m trying to do

What are you trying to do?

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korn has a good idea!
depending on the amount of sentries, you could also use AOE (area of effect)/the distance formula. for the sentries, you will have to create a list property with the coordinates of every sentry (may need more then 1 property) and a reading system. You will have to manually input sentry coords though.

How to Make a Puddle of D3ATH! :test_tube: (ft. @teapot) [4/10]


basicly auto aim so if you are near some one and you fire a gadget they automaticly take dmg

Interesting… I know there should be a way to make it work, using the player fires gadget option on a lifecycle device. I’ll update you when I’ve made a solution.

thank you class is starting soon so ill have to continue this later

just use aoe and a midpoint trigger combined with a lifecycle.

have you made any breakthroughs yet?

player is actually also yes. Player Coordanates device :D

Yes, there is. Formula:
Your coords - their coords (Remove negative sign if needed) = Distance from other player
It can transmit on channels.

I thought abt that but I didn’t rlly understand how to use it

I’m assuming you are referencing block code can I get a screenshot then

Can’t really right now, but I can once I get home!

ok thank you so much

oh yeah I forgot Abt the cords device

3rd time im saying this.


your guide is so LOOOOOONNNNNNNG bro but fine I’ll read it