Is there a possibility for this?

Can you make it to where you can add an animation to a gimkit? If so, what websites work?

In order to add animation right now, you would have to manually add it in with each scene. You can use this guide to help. How to Make Animation | Difficulty: 🟧


If that helps, mark @WhoAmI 's post as a solution.

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No you can’t import a gif, but you can use barrier and props with triggers timed 0.5 seconds from eachother, so you can make it appear and disappear.

How do you import the gif?

You can’t, no file importer is allowed, which is why gifs, mp3’s, mp4’s, images, etc can’t be added. But you can use barrier and props with triggers timed 0.5 seconds from eachother, so you can make it appear and disappear.

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