Is it possible to stun a player (make them unable to move) for a certain amount of seconds after being hit by a projectile

I was wondering if its possible to stun a player for a few seconds after getting hit by a projectile as I’m trying to recreate a game I enjoy and that’s one of the mechanics in the game

You can set the speed modifier device to 0. This makes the player unable to move. Set a timer using a wire repeater delay.

I think there is a way to set a ko meter to not re-spawn which possibly if correct when done could make movement meter 0

Life cycle

player hit, then it sends a channel called stun

it goes to a speed modifiers which is at 0 and it’s receiving channel is stun

but the stun channel also goes to a trigger with a delay of 3 seconds or however long you want them stunned and it transmit a channel to a different speed modifiers which fixes their speed.

Hopefully this helps!

@SirWyWy (I agree with your bio a lot)

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Thanks!!! (I’m actually surprised I got help this quick) btw the game I’m trying to remake is TD (if anyone knows what that is!)

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How would it tell if player hit?

with the life cycle

it has a if player is hit section

its kind of new came with the coordinate device

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WAIT I looked at it and there is not “If hit” it is if player shoots gadget, which does not refer to if hit. The other one is if knocked out. So this solution is faulty.


maybe I did mix them up

that means linking physical and pseudical health isn’t possible if they are using physical gadgets


Screenshot 2024-09-18 4.41.01 PM

so uh…

how can we fix this then

well he can use animation as the projectile, like animate zones but it isn’t the most memory efficient.

man I thought there was a if player hit thing. maybe I just gaslighted myself

I see no possible way my previous thing about the KO manager was wrong it is the tag thing that does that. The only way would be to somhow position lasers that have channel.


You switch to the tagger so when they get tagged (from a long distance, the max) because you can switch it to not re-spawn and it can trigger a broadcast.

@Txme_Lxss got any ideas?

nope :P

my brain isn’t’ working

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Im gonna call it quits and pet the kitty on my lap

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