Is it possible to have different teams have different ways of getting score? (Resolved)

In the game I’m making, I’m trying to make one team get score from the seconds into the game, and the other team get score from tags, but one team always has the score of 0, and there doesn’t seem to be a way for both of them to have a score. I’ve been trying to fix this for quite a while, so it would be great if someone could help.

And, if it’s not obvious, I’m using property as score.

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Try one property, blocks, and a relay device. Do you need me to explain it?

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I’m not sure what you mean by that. I need multiple properties. One for score, and others for tags/tagged. I need a trigger and a repeater so time updates every second, and some code for the tag zone and trigger.

But sure, explain what you were going to say.


Make it so that the scope for the property is team. They can share the same property, however the value of that is set to the value of their tags /whatever

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I already have it set to that. The problem isn’t that people aren’t getting points, it’s that the teams can’t have different property values


Oh! I’m sorry! What are the two property-increasing mechanics again?

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One team’s score is by tags, the other is by time into the game.


Alright… give me a sec to type it up. Do you need screenshots?

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Yes, that would help.


Maybe more than a sec then…

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Took man over a month just for some pictures :skull:




Bump bc unanswered

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Make a timer that updates a property, and make it so that upon knocking out a player, that same property is updated for the other team. Set score to that property.

I guess for the tagging team, you would wire the tag zone to a counter with team scope so when player tags, increment counter. The counter then updates the property that is used for scoring. For the time team, put a lifecycle that starts a repeater on game start. Make sure the repeater stops when receiving on a channel, but don’t put any channel. Then, wire the repeater to a relay that relays for that specific team. Wire the repeater to a counter with scope of team which again updates the property. Set score to that property.

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Yeah this was fixed in the August update.

@Potato, please mark a solution to close this post!