Is it possible to get more creative slots?


K done @Anythinger

me got 69

Why are all of the free trial day amounts different?

Making a completely new educator account.

@Im_Pretty_Cool Have you tried using a phone/ipad/non school device to get on the wixsite?

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No… I could do that but I just don’t really spend time on non school devices for gimkit. So i guess I’ll occasionally be on the wix website, but not constantly. Just sucks it got blocked on this device.

@Anythinger btw who was @GimAI

GimAi was an AI who would answer questions, rate posts, and learn from imput from other Gims. However, people started messing with it, it broke multiple times, resulting in getting it and multiple other Gims banned.


how it doesnt show up in my screen

i got 72 omg

how do you do that
also question - when your trial finishes, does it warn you or does it start taking money from you automatically?
also its probably not smart to do the free trials now cos its almost the summer holidays (and it is for americans) and its a bit stupid to be on a screen during a holiday

i mean, it doesnt ask you for money info when the trial starts, so it can’t.

oh fine
are you setting up another account on gimkit?

also i really wanted to ask you
is that your cat on your profile picture?

yeah i did, and i made blank worlds in all the slots. hopefuly when my trial runs out, they’ll stay

lol no, its a meme
look up “popcat”
i just found it funny, irl im a dog person and have a dog

if it does then please can you tell me on here or on your wixsite cos then maybe ill try it
i just dont wanna be the guinea pig in case something goes wrong

i did
that is actually funny cant believe i have never heard ofit

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yeah ok just message on the wixsite