Is it possible to get more creative slots?

ah… it turns out you only get a free trial when you create a new educator account :confused:


So what happens if you go educator → student → educator

nothing, u cant get a free trial, i tried it. it doesnt give the option.

I tried, and it automatically gave me the free trial. For 76 days.

No, free trialing is a thing. Click “Learn More” on the red basic banner and then click I need to explore moer



I made a new educator account.

i dont see that :confused:

but howd u get…


Are you sure you’ve never done it before? I’ll try to make an alt and try it

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i gtg rn so bye

Idk lol. It just gave me that.

I made a dummy account that has 81 days

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I guess first time is 82 days second time is 7 days

What giveaway?

81 days of pro


make your account educator