Is it possible to get extra memory for my map even if I have the season ticket?

Is it possible to get extra memory for my map even if I have the season ticket?

Grammer Police Sirens

Is it supposed to be wrote like that…? Ill give you a grammer fine for that.

I dont think its possible anyway.

Sorry supposed to be for

No, It doesn’t. If you’re really desperate for more memory, use a save code system and implement the second part of your map into another map.


  1. Map #1 generates a save code for your progress
  2. Map #2 reads the save code and continues the game based on your progress.

But it would be very tedious and awkward if someone plays map #2 without playing map #1

It would be more efficient to just reduce memory-inefficient devices, to save memory. (Ex: Replace zones with buttons, terrain with barriers)

There are ways to save memory like, instead of 100000000000000 zones have coordinate system, and instead of repeater just make a trigger that does the same thing.

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