Is it possible to deactivate and activate pseudo health?

so im using this question to create like a power up that activates pseudo health for a limited amount of time (probs will not be able to answer as i am bout to go to somewhere)

just hide the overlay or put a checker that checks if a property is 1 or 0 (1=on 0=off) inbetween


oh ok so like turn off the health checker and game overlay sounds nice thanks potato


but first ima wait a while for some more ideas or solutions as the property can still be affected by trigger code and all that

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@Blackfox45666 Can you explain it more?
So, if you want it to be on for a limited time, make a timer for it to be on, and then set your property for the Pseudo Health as 0 so it won’t affect you.

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so basically i have a system where there constant checkers on whether a debuff lvl has gone up or not and if that passes it activates a trigger that checks the debuff lvl and if it passes it activates a repeater connected to a trigger that reduces the property (health) by a random integer and is connect to a delayed trigger that resets the debuff lvl the whole product of the system is in one of my guides but i need to learn how to make it not effect the property anymore and deactivate pseudo health @Blizzy

You can deactivate the trigger. Of course, if you use that trigger for other purposes as well, wire it to another unused, no altered settings trigger, and then wire it to your health. Then, when you don’t want it, deactivate that mostly unused trigger, and when you want it, activate it. @Blackfox45666


oof thanks for the solution my brain was tired felt like i over complicated things a bit


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