I was just wondering: is Fall Damage Possible? I assume it’s gotta have to do something with a coordinate tracker but idk
Yeah, definitely. Just use the coordinate device to track how far you fall, and the further you fall, the more damage you’ll take. You would need multiple damager devices though.
Well technically you could have zones at different heights that increase a damager so when you fall there is a zone at the bottom that activates the damager
Couldn’t you just use block code to send signals to the damager
Dang! It was really that easy? I feel dum…Well, thanks anyways!
But the question is, whats cheaper, the coordinate device or the zone?
probably the coordinate device if you want to cover the entire map
Same thing I said
Great minds think alike!
I mean, it’s complicated I think, but I’m pretty sure that it’s possible.
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