I’m currently making a 2 player only “card game” when something occurred to me. Could I make an AI that will play if you wanted to play with only one person. Is that something even possible in GKC?
we’ve discussed this on the forums b4 search the topic up
I tried, nothing showed up.
The topic was deleted.
couldve sworn 111 made a topic about it lemme find it and link it (nvm)
but in short an ai is way too massive for gkc it would go above and beyond the memory limit and its not really worth it for the actual reward which would be a crappy laggy ai
Yes, it’s possible, albeit very hard. You’d need a good understanding of how to make an AI, and would probably have to make one outside of gimkit then import it in.
I made a handwriting number recognition ai at 6% memory stop saying things are impossible.
Thanks, I wasn’t intending to make one, but if it was possible with the memory a map has.
sooo basically its possible if your blackhole lol (and you try really hard)
within basic limits of gkc yes impossible which was what I was saying I never said anything about coding it in using actual js or etc (idk what ai would be scripted in but eh more or less adios)
It’s not very hard; it’s just repetitive. You’ll need a lot of AND gates and the functions for the plays connected, then with the outcome or counterplay.
Formula: AND gates + Plays = AI Counterplay
If you want, make it so that some counterplays are bad
No code needed
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