Inspiration, anyone?

i have no inspiration whatsoever in making maps and i need some wise words. anything from a derpy pi sentence to an essay is appreciated. except for “you got this!”


You can do it
Keep On Trying
Don’t Give Up Yet


Make a game where you have to travel the sky and the clouds! Your speed could vary based on the terrain you’re on!


reeeead my man

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(post deleted by author)

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You got this. You can do anything in the world. @aegleu you got nuotm, so anything is possible. to quote the words of a famous guy:


Never gonna give it up
Never gonna let it down


Technically, he didn’t say you got this.

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The sky is literally the limit. Keep on building! You can literally do ANYTHING in the world of GKC. Don’t stop now. Fill yourself with…

D E T E R M I N A T I O N.


yeah youre right

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Um…I’m not the best at inspiring others, but maybe, analyze how others do things, look at some art guides, and play some nice music.


find an idea, make a schedule for when to work on it, and work on it!

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Can’t Stop Yet
Keep up the work
If you can believe you can do it

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u can do it! gkc is easy if you nevr give up!

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literally everyone just said “you got this!” in other words (except my man whoami, music is smart)

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Sorry, but I’m not good at motivation, which is why WhoAmI is here.

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You GOT this

we’re just trying to be funny >:)

but uh, i dunno, maybe think about your favorite games and try to recreate one of them?


If you fail to do this, I will have to force to use brain rot.

Don’t be so skibidi, if you finish that sigma map, I will stop fanum taxing your braincells with such brain rot!


There are two sides in your mind, the positive and the negative if you let the negative take over you lose.


When ever I lose inspiration I look at other peoples games and usually find inspiration there.This helps me find inspiration maybe It can help you too.

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you cannot achieve what you do not believe.
believe what u can and you are halfway there.

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