Infinite Counter Loop (2/10)

By sending a signal to a counter to increment it, which reaches the target value of 1 and resets itself while incrementing another counter which reaches its target value, resetting it and, through a wire repeater set to a .1 second delay, increments the first counter, creating a Counter Loop. Counter loops are incredibly useful as they can create a lasting buff (Like health regen). The best thing a counter loop does is be a repeater, but faster, as repeaters minimum cooldown is .5 seconds. Also, the more counters you have the faster it will be.

Counter Loop Visual Directions


One problem, the wires only work when the triggers hit their target, so wouldn’t it just stop at 1?

Nope. Use the images to make it, it will go infinitly. The only problem is that you can’t turn it off.

You could fix that with a checker and a property.


Cool guide! I don’t think this is a 2/10 though, I think it’d be more like a 1/10 (or 0/10 maybe, but I’m still confused about whether or not that’s only for art guides.)

why not use a trigger?

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This is supposed to be visual, so that players will be able to see it in game I think.

Guide’s kinda pointless when compared to a trigger loop now that I think of it
TL is still memory efficent


I feel like this guide has no real use for GKC since everyone is using trigger loops instead.

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I said that 7 minutes ago-

I feel like this happened before, the thing I said, is history repeating itself?

It is always

now B.O.T
guides still kinda pointless though cause of trigger loop


It is, just that sometimes when ppl put it in the poll, they tend to pick it if the guide is super easy.

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I’ve never heard of trigger loops.

Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)

Read this guide


they say history rhymes with itself but never repeat


Martin Luther King

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I cant get it too work

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There needs to be something that happens on the signal or it won’t look like anything is happening.

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