In-Game Chat System (NOT Quick Chat)

I LOVE @Dayy 's guide on how to make an In-Game Chat System. It’s GROUND-BREAKING stuff. But let’s face it; it’s limiting. To be able to replicate an actual In-Game Chat System with that system would take millions of popups, and we just don’t have that memory. So I decided to open up this research so we can get the biggest Gimkit brains and come up with something. So! Any ideas, fellas?

P.S. Can somebody make this a wiki?

What We Know

Nothing, so far.

Theories With Some Evidence

Nothing, so far.

Pure Speculation
  1. See Post 5 for more information.

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Feel free to post your ideas in the comments!

I think the main problem is that the only text input system we can really set up is a keyboard-style thing, and that’s not really the same as chatting, since players have to be near the message to see it. I have a feeling this isn’t going to be possible, as there’s no way anyone knows of to input text into something like a notification or use a text input system without standing next to a button, in a fixed position, which totally defeats the point. Unless either someone comes up with a ground-breaking idea, or Gimkit adds this feature (which probably won’t happen since it could result in people saying rude or inappropriate things during games), I don’t think this is happening. Good luck though!

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um next time add something

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Well, what IF, you use a text property and you use buttons that each act as a letter, with a button that resets the message and a button that sends it. It can be sent to a trigger that sends it via a message in the activity feed? ( I totally did not just make all that up.)

Also, @Fleet could you turn this into a wiki?

I’m not a TL4, I cant make other people’s posts wiki’s I can only make my own post wiki’s

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I thought tl4s ARE regulars. Huh. Then who COULD turn this into a wiki?

2468, bird, slim, inky


tl4’s are leaders.
regulars are tl3.
so for example
Bird (or hth), Slim, 2468 (just the ones of top of my head) can turn this into one

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Oh…hey @twofoursixeight, could you turn this into a wiki please? I would greatly appreciate it.

Actually Inky got demoted (Idk I think there was some controversy with them)


Why don’t we do something like:

Have a keyboard where:

  • every letter adds a letter to a property (easy, could be optimized with items or something)
  • backspace for one/two letters (ugh)
  • clear message (really easy)
  • send button to send a notification with message that player created (easy)

The notification could also have the player’s name on top so we know who sent it.


That’s kinda like what I said in this post,

But it’s good to hear it from somebody who knows what they’re doing! :rofl:

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Ooh, activity feed is a good idea. It cuts down on notif spam and is only visible if you want it to be.


That honestly sounds great! Do you think you could make a guide on it?

o7 cLiCcLaC yOu WiLl Be MisSeD

(Ran out of likes LOL) I think I’m dreaming…did I just get told that I had a good idea? :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

stop 07ing clic lol

I think that could be cool

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Yeah, I probably could. Can’t be that hard, right?


I am literally in the process of doing the opposite of leaving. Why am I getting an o7


they don’t want it to be quick chat, that’s quick chat…
edit: @Bardy_2913 quick chat is where you have to select a message to send, instead of just typing it.