I'm trying to publish my map

I’m trying to publish my map but it won’t take any of my Jpegs for a cover, it keeps having a red bar.

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It might not fit the image resolution.
Can you send a picture of the image you are trying to use?

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maybe it doesnt support the image?

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images (12)
I’ve tried others but they are screenshots and not jpgs.

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Yeah, they might not support it like RektRainbow said, maybe try using an image a little bit larger or just screenshot and crop that image?

Could you help me find one? It’s for a keep away map with oranges!

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You can ask @T_Sonic54 on the wixsite groupchat group if you want him to make thumbnail art for you


Upload error…

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even with a red bar you can still publish

No, there is no publish button showing up.

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do u have enough gimcoins?
were u lvl 50+ last season?

that’s all I got because it worked for me…

I have the pass and I check both of those boxes even without.

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it doesn’t continue without 1000 gimbucks

The file type may not be supported or the file size is too large.

I think with the Season Ticket/Pass you can get it for free

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You mean my map? It’s only 12%.

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yes the season ticket does allow you to get it free

I think they mean the thumbnail