I'm trying to make a tower defense map where there are two teams

One team (team 1) buys sentries/turrets and the other (team 2) buys health, shield, and speed(from a upgrade lobby similar to earn that cash) ; and tries to get to the end of a long path”

could someone make a guide to the specifics please?


a device to teleport an entire team at a certain time after time team 2 buys upgrades

and a different device to filter 2 players at a time every 5 seconds onto the path

checkpoints/safe zones that will give a specific item to anyone that passes through them

devices and game options options to simulate the health so game ends when it gets to 0

And much much more.
Please put any suggestions and constructive criticism the comments
ps if anyone is interested in helping me make the course/path that team 2 will run please member chat me on wix @ RisingTenno

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You put some of your message in your title, just letting you know.
“One team (team 1) buys sentries/turrets and the other (team 2) buys health, shield, and speed(from a upgrade lobby similar to earn that cash) ; and tries to get to the end of a long path”
Add this to your topic

don’t know where I would put it in and I can’t think of an actual title

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do you think this is better??

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@NavyCatZ navycatzai please rate this post if you still do that

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She doesn’t do that anymore, she only did that when there was a tiny amount of people over the summer. And she’s not online anyways

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:frowning: that’s just sad
does anyone else do it nowadays

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No, no one does. Sorry! It’d be fun, but there would be WAY to many people asking for advice…

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Making guides would take a while, but here’s an idea: have some vending machines deactivated for one team, but activated for the other.

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if anyone makes a guide based on any of the examples could please link your guide

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Team 1 gets sorted onto the map by using a relay setting. Then, there are a lot of invisible vending machines with deactivated sentries underneath. When the vending machine is purchased, the sentry activates. The sentry is on team 1. make a 5 second clock using repeaters and hook it up to a relay. The relay selects a random player from team 2. It also changes them to team 3. Team 3’s spawn pad has to be at the beginning of the path. When someone dies, switch them back to team 2. When someone makes it to the end of the path, team 2 and 3 get a point and the game ends.

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Don’t forget to mark a solution if it worked!

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I meant to make it WIP
but I forgot

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btw I mentioned the WIX in the topic but I forgot to include the link
WIX Code Sharing Site

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