I'm really bored and I want map ideas

I think that there is already a mario cart game IDK what it is called though…

You’d have an array of barriers or props, then loop through and set a chance for it to be open or closed. You could run it every minute to reset the setup, and put sentries/traps throughout the maze.

ya maybe i might build this idk how to build but ill try

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The wording of this title sounds exactly like my guide.

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hey @WhereIsMyHat have you seen this yet https://gimkit.nolt.io/8975 its from one of the people who were here they were blocked by school and want you to block them/delete there account idk ask them sorry if its off topic

Hey, can I keep the hat reaction lol for the meme? Also, one of the admins responded to me in a limerick which I find pretty funny…

Gimkart 8 by our beloved, @ClicClac!


fair enough. I guess

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