Im doing a rating for the best school thumbnail

I want a school with legendary gims fighting

I’m going to be afk but I put on notfications

bro wait a second please.

ok I’m so sorry man I just need this done

If you want I could try to make one quick.

ok bc I saw good ones u made before so thanks

I have these so far

2nd i one my canva presentation some one put it there

one thumbnail comin’ right at ya!


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Is this a request for a new thumbnail or…? What is happening here-?

A thumbnail contest/request.

ahh okay, makes more sense. Well, everyone’s thumbnail looks great!

can i make a thumbnail?

why ask? there is a request, if you have desires, then you can do it. it is clear that the author will say yes, because extra Thumbnails are never extra, I do not say this with malice, just understand that asking makes no sense (my opinion)

what was the ping on that person for???

it was me g code I put it there

it looks good @kirbyking

that’s would be a good name for it kibyking