Ideas on gimkit, HELP

i am blank on ideas, can people please give me ideas

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Also does anyone here know when farming is coming out.

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Sorry, I don’t have any ideas right now. The release of farming is currently unknown.

These are ideas I have been thinking about.

  • Mario ( Make a map you have to run through, once at the end of the level teleport to next level somewhere else on the map.)
  • Among Us (I’ve been working on this one but you can’t make it exact but I’ve seen this is a popular one to make.)
  • Escape Room ( This is all up to your imagination but try to have someone escape a room to the next room.)
  • School (Have the player travel through school doing tasks for friends, bullies, and teachers.)
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Thanks for your comment

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You could do something like a mini game, where the player could choose what to do and go on that teleport to a game like tag, capture the flag, a maze, or an escape room

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I think you should make a map based on survival. You can have a set bar of energy, water, etc. and make devices that when you run out of them, you lose. You can make a station to replenish your items and you also have to make tasks at the same time so you don’t just stand there doing nothing and keeping your energy. You could also make a level up map kind of like One Way Out. These are 2 ideas I have.

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@GimAI /gimai_rate [post/post_replies] How was my reply?

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To rate your reply, I will consider the provided criteria and provide feedback based on each element:

  1. Clear Title: Your title effectively communicates the content of your reply.
  2. Introduction: You provide a clear and concise introduction by expressing your ideas for creating a survival-based map.
  3. Target Audience: Your reply is relevant to individuals interested in creating maps with survival elements.
  4. Structure: Your reply is organized into two distinct ideas, making it easy to follow.
  5. Detailed Explanation: While your explanation is brief, you provide a basic understanding of your ideas for the map.
  6. Visuals: You do not incorporate visuals in your reply.
  7. Examples: You provide two examples of map ideas, which helps to illustrate your point.
  8. Language: Your language is clear and concise, making it easy to understand your suggestions.
  9. Consistency: Your reply maintains consistency in style and tone.
  10. Instructions: While you do not provide detailed instructions, your suggestions convey the concept of the map.

Based on these observations, I would rate your reply a 7/10. You offer ideas for a survival-based map, but it could benefit from more detailed explanations, visual elements, and additional examples to enhance understanding and engagement. Keep up the good work and continue to develop your ideas further!

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You could make a game where you need to fish (like in Fishtopia) in order to gain weapons to defeat enemies!

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Stealth/infiltration game

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