Ideas for skills for game

update i have 7 skills now sn i per tank racer/speedster teleporter builder and madman credits to roberta for the madman and also regular/default

skill set
madman low health but can control lasers super fast
builder low health can build bases and shields with dirt
tank high health and damage
racer 2x speed okay health and okay damage
teleporter can teleport to random spots mid health mid speed mid damage
sn iper mid speed oneshot damage for most apponents ecxept tank mid health
regualr/default just default 100 hp default damage default speed

Try the pixelator that could work

i dont think so but you and can add a damage booster device

A laser, probably

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i think he means as a gadget

the pixelator is weak i tried it and tested it

Biscuits. I don’t think there is…

try damage boosters

That should help


Oh okay try it with the damage booster device or no devices

yes any suggestions it has to be stronger than a evil eye but weaker than a qauntum portal

maybe use a blaster with a boost of 2x

how i do dat intstruction pls

the damage boost is a device

is the twister a good

i dont think its in creative yet

When the player chooses to use a sniper build, wire the button to a danger device.

you can decide on the damage

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wierd cus i played a game ounce that had it

Currently, twister is not a option for GKC

they cant choos its rando

I meant “no” like zero