Ideas for my new tycoon game

Im currently making my new game, Foolish Factory. And I need ideas because instead of just a normal tycoon, I want it to be special, cool, and fun. So, what ideas you got, It can be anything, from mining and secret caves, to fighting zombies in a crypt. As long as its good, your idea can be added. So please, Throw your best ideas at me.

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Boss fights & Special Events that happen randomly throughout gameplay.


maybe you can make it scary, and make sentries appear and not appear
(maybe use a - zone and when the player gets on the zone the sentry is deactivate)

maybe add quests? either when players reach a specific amount into the game or just randomly, a quest pops up and they have to do it? and maybe for some quests that they have a limited amount of time to do it or else the game ends?

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Good idea! Should be able to add that pretty easily.

Not really trying to make it scary, but I might be able to find a way to add it.

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That Special events idea sounds really cool! Im not sure if I could do boss fights though, but ill try.

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