Ideas for my map

i had a post for the mechanics, now i just need ideas for cool abilites+ barbarian trial. it is a rpg map with skills level ups, and race+class specialization


uhh what?
what about a temporary speed and dmg buff that is nicknamed “rage”?

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Rouge ability: The rouges could have an overlay button that says “sneak” and when they press the overlay they move at half speed however they are invisible to sentries. (The rouge switches to whatever team the sentries are on)

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i have that for a barbarian already

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How about a passive ability that increases xp rate gained

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Lore, easter eggs, and trolls. As usual :slight_smile:

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Add secret areas and lore

add a pikachu

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You should add a beast tamer class that has a skill that can summon a sentry on their team once every minute through a overlay.

cool ability, only thing is it would require sentries literally everywhere around the map, you cant spawn props or sentries relative to position which is really annoying

the barbarian races are troll, human, and demon

@gimmaster12345 , i am already working on the lore and the plot, so far we have a plot with a bad guy, and then some bad guy servants of his that have elemental affinities. kind of like breath of the wild

good idea, i can add that

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Did you see my idea?

You can also add mazes or side objectives to get amazing rewards. Remember to mark a solution if your question is answered.:white_check_mark:

yeah thats cool. i want to add that but i dont know if i have enough memory for a whole nother class because then i have to make the races, and the different bonuses for the races, and a rogue tutorial, but if i have xtra memory then for sure


What is your memory usage @satorugojo1

mazes are in use and i am in the progress of making a side quest right now. ill mark a solution once i find a barbarian tutorial idea and some racial passives/abilities for ranger barbarian, and mage although i already have some of those


thats ok. :slight_smile:

somewhere between 30 and 40%, but im less than halfway done

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