Ideas for my 4 seasons map

yes, but more normal blue like royal, and its alpha needs to be higher, try 0.70. and depending on how you want it to look, make the barriers smaller. like thiner, but long

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it accidently got deleted, but you can make a new on if you want.

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i can’t my account was deleted and that deleted the padlet, i deleted an old email and it was wired to the account so it was deleted with it. We do need to stop talking on here on different post about things that aren’t allowed.

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hey were these ideas helping or do ya stiill need help?

not exactly sure.

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funny idea :slight_smile:

i had this idea last year when I first joined

Sorry I wasn’t on due to having lunch, and the teacher blocked things. :frowning: Any more ideas? If not, I can mark a solution. :slight_smile:

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give me a little time and ill add more

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the map can be 1 quarter spring, 1 quarter snow, 1 quarter summer, 1 quarter autumn! like @wingwave said, “look in the ideas for ideas!”

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