Ideas for boosts (NO DAMAGE)

gimberry: superpowers
galaxyfish: teleportation?

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teleportation? how would that work? sounds very interesting tho,

probably could be made using triggers and blocks.

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I think all you would have to do is check when the item is used, and then send that to a teleporter that is hooked up to more teleporters.

energy bar gives you energy
energy is used to plant at the farm

another update
potato is full heal
red fish is some health regen
blue fish is some shield regen
water is for a side quest
watermelon gives you a random item
coffee is extra speed 2x
cashberry gives you cash
starfish activates waypoints for the next objective
blueberry reveals hidden areas
gimberry absolutely nothing but annoying notifications
strawberry decodes papers
corn is used to get you a job at the farm
energy bar is for a quest and gives some general boosts to health and speed
beach fish enables you to swim
berry fish reveals hidden items
wheat gives you blindness
banana really fast for a very short amount of time

banana can be like for reduced damage acting as like the bullets are like slipping off the player. And the pepper could be for short speed boost, more damage, but less health. Sort of like a adrenaline rush.


need energy then done!

Energy… supply power to the stores of your choice? As a side quest.

you can make energy like a sort of stacked gain, so you can make it a quite expensive perk but the more you consume the better the ability is. And you can have players select what that ability is in game, from damage, to speed.


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