Ideas for a RPG game

I want to make a fun rpg game with quests, sidequets, and a boss. But i don’t know how.
Pls help


i was thinking of a one way v2 game would that work

Welcome to the forums, @Bobthebuilder123! You need ideas?

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yes pls i need help…


For ideas for this RPG you are making?

Welcome @Bobthebuilder123

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Well, i could help you make a boss for your game if you’d like! Let me know when you want to!

Here,read this tutorial!

which tutirial i don not see any

I just posted it in the Community Made Guides

There is the tutorial, @Bobthebuilder123

also here is a more complicated boss attack if ur up for it and i can explain the process if you would like How to make a Boss and their special attacks (4/10 or 🟨)

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Ok sure,i’ll check this out!

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome to the community @Bobthebuilder123!

You can use this guide by @Coral

welcome to the forums @Bobthebuilder123

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welcome @Bobthebuilder123

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Welcome @Bobthebuilder123 !