Ideas for a crafting table (props)

Any Ideas for a crafting table?

I have made one before let me find the screen shot.

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For the crafting recipe or what?

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I think the table its self.



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It doesn’t really work that well.

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Wdym any ideas for crafting table? Are you asking about how it works??


Here: all it takes is a bit of layering and you use a carboard box as the base and place signs over it(wooden ones) just to get the 3D shape. Make sure you add a black wooden pole as the line from teh top to the side of the table.
Screenshot 2024-01-23 10.40.57 AM


I can’t find that prop, is it a device? Never mind its a device, cool.

I have been out for a week so please be gracious.

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Yes, they recently added the crafting table from the vote. Unfortunately, it’s a little buggy with layers.


That took a long time to add.

Vote? There was a vote???

Where you here in, what was it, august?

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Nvm. It was September.

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September. Maaaaan…that was a while ago…and it took them that long to add it.

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Well, they also had to add the damage modifier which won the vote.

Yeah but the crafting table is also a farming plot? how do you even use it to craft and farm?

Crafting recipe device

oh, well you should make a guide on how to use the crafting table. It seems to be a bit different from other devices.

you make it so after a ceraitain amount of time, a plant is crafted from a seed.