Idea’s for updates in my game

What should I do for Update 1.2? Comment your answer and I will choose one!
(Use your actual Gimkit Forums account so I can add the winner to my credits room)

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Try and add more interactive maps, map selection and game modes.

Thanks! Did you enjoy the game? I’m adding a new map but I’m still working on it.

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Yeah, I’ve been working on map selection. Do you know any good guides for it?

Hey, um… sorry, dude, but this might be considered advertising…

Ummmmm… there are some problems with your post. #1 please do not share how many plays you have. #2 don’t have the idea picked based on likes a user gets, that is unfair if bh post for example.


Ok, that’s a good idea. Thanks!

Try searching “Game Selection” in the search bar.
The random fall guys map Help topic should help you, but it needs some tweaking for the actual voting.

maybe just change the title to something like “What update should I make for my game”

cus isn’t stating the name of a game advertising? (idk)

I found this one,

Thanks a lot Slim! I was just looking for one but I couldn’t find one.

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