__I would Like a Thumbnail please__

Hello! i am here to ask you for a thumbnail for my map “Forgotten Halls FFA Remastered”
the theme is medieval in space what i would like for the thumbnail is…

a gim to be standing looking towards you with a second gim walking out of the wall behind him holding a heavy shard

the map is done all i need is the thumbnail and my preference would be that the thumbnail is drawn not photo edited please

And of course you’ll be credited in the game



I WILL TRY to do it, if it turns out too bad, I won’t even publish it

(this will be my 1 thumbnail)


THX so much just ping me if you have any questions

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I might do one

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ummm bump?

@EchoAgent28 @Monoreuk sorry for pinging you but hows the thumbnail going?

I didn’t even start lol

(I moved to another house and there is no internet at home so I can only do it at school and blah blah blah)


thas fine, the knowledge that your actually gonna do it is all i need

I’ll start right now

YAY!! thx so much

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@MapleSyrup here is topic, i beg you to make one please

In the wiki you said no photoshopping which is what I do.

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ik but you are a great!! thumbnailist and i dont mind if its photoshopped

Okay then I will get to work :partying_face:

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Just found the post, gonna start right away!

(Betcha ima be done today)


i wanna try to do one


even though im terrible at it

go ahead my man!



Just making sure, is this what you meant by medieval in space?

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oohhh noice, i might not use it but i’ll definitly have it in the game