I want to check which counter has a greater value and display that on the end screen

I want to make it so that when a player enters an area, the counter increases every second and when the game ends, the score per team is shown on the end game.

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use an end of game widget and set it to property value of the counter, i believe that will work

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first you set both counters to properties

then you compare them in blocks and send a signal to activate an end of game widget with the larger one

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How do i compare them in blocks?

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use a checker to find out which has a higher value

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that’s not how checkers work


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i am using 1 counter. I want to check which team had greater count

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oh, then that’s different.

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I did now know about this part of gkc

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If you want it in the leaderboard, then you can just set the leaderboard mode to ‘property’ and then ‘sort by team’ and the greater value will be on top

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I already tried it and it did not work

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It shows the value as zero

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try again and make sure the right property and settings are there.

after that, I have no ideas

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Check the wix pls