I want 2 thumbnails

i could but after i have a question





thats it

ok thank you so much!

oh i have a question can you please give me a white default gim i need it for my thumbnail

ya here u go

stop posting this on all thumbnail requests

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what is that by the way

@Pika_Pokemon was basically trying to say that thumbnail requests aren’t allowed, as stated by the rules.
You probably skimmed through that though…

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Not trying to be that guy, but didn’t Pharlain imply that they were okay? Are we self determining their legality until the mods make a statement?

Hmmm well technically speaking the community did make the 5 day bumping rule then disable it. If the community has that power, and since most of the community think thumbnail requests are bad, they should be gone.


If only everyone would make their own thumbnails… then we wouldn’t be overworked and the community would be happy


Pharlain did say that actually.
Most of the community thinks that thumbnail requests should be banned, which is what is currently being enforced. Still waiting for a response from the moderators though.


Oh ok. So we’re just experiencing whiplash then?

More like Gimkit Civil War but yesh.


I feel like the best way to solve the forums’ problems would be to just remake them like last time, with more categories and softer rules- maybe a rule voting system. But that would bring on a whole new slew of problems…


Off topic moment (no rudeness intended)
But yeahhh, the rules need to be updated/relaxed, but you can’t put a bunch of people together, enforce some rules and expect all of them to follow them

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Do you want me to bring up the fact that countries exist? (Not sarcastic)

But creating another forums would basically creating another nuclear b0mb :[
destroying the progress people made here on the forums and entirely starting another one that’d probably cause more drama

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When there are rules, people tend to break them and do the wrong things to get away with it-when there aren’t, people can do stuff freely, thus making no need for illicit activity.