I need to work this device

I need help working on this device. It’s this: Screenshot 2024-02-14 1.34.05 PM
so… my friend said it was an awesome device, but I don’t know how to make it work. How do you do this?? :expressionless: It’s a notification device.

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This is a notification to let people see a mini popup on their screen.

Also, it depends what you want to use this for.

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You can make it send a notification via activation
(Wire or channel)

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This belongs in Help

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What specifically do you need help with?

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What game are you making that you want to make this notification pop up?

I just want things a little bit clearer so I can help as best as possible!

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i might make a guide on the notification
i can’t find any decent guides on it

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I need help knowing how to work this device.

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I need it for well, not really a real map. I call it my " Test Map "

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Sorry. AFK for a few minutes. I’ll be back.

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Okay, if it’s a test map, you can use wiring or channels to make the notification pop up, or of course pressing on buttons, triggering, counters incrementing or decrementing. The possibilities are endless!!

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You can also use blocks which are very helpful with the notification

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This should help.

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Thank you! Everything you guys said, helped :slight_smile:


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