I need to make a walk-in building

Does any one know how to make a building that you can walk inside?

You have to make a teleporter that teleports to another part of your map with the inside of the building. Then label both of the teleporters group and target group to “Building 1” (or anything you like.)
Also welcome to the community!

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Welcome to the forums, @Car189 !

Make sure to check out the forum-beginners and forum-tips tag!

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful! The posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative!

I suggest also reading the TOS and FAQ!

That might work, but I Need a building that you can just walk in to, not 2-d, nor using teleporters

I do not know if that is possible, can you explain it more thoroughly?

Here’s a photo

Wait, I think I know.

So what I think you could do is put two barriers on top of the inside of the building, kind of like the roof, get rid of the collision on them, and make the top one not see-through at all, but make the second one as see through as you like. then you could place a zone at the entrance that sends a channel to the barriers when the player walks in.

When the top barrier receives the channel, it disappears, but then the bottom one appears.

If you don’t understand, I will go get an image that could hopefully explain it better.

Try my idea

Yes please :smiley: that should be great

So if you follow what I said, this is what should happen in game.

Great! I will mark a solution

Your response isn’t a solution though. You should mark @vqnillaxx 's post as a solution.

Ok then I will do that

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You can make a roof out of anything wood or any prop things. once you enter the entrance zone, you can make a wire or channel and then make the roof appear on 0.2 opacity when you enter the building. The roof before you enter needs to be fully visible after/before you enter the building.

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deep inhale

Welcome to the forums, @The-Builder1 !

Make sure to check out the forum-beginners and forum-tips tag!

The Community Made Guides category is also very useful! The posts there give you a gist of the rules and mechanics in Gimkit Creative!

I suggest also reading the TOS and FAQ!

I’ve figured out a way, Thx for your help

Welcome to the forums, @The-Builder1 !

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