I need some help on this thing

I am eventually going to make a guide on my master cycle zero:

But it is HUGE. I need some tips on how to compress it as much as possible.


:skull_and_crossbones: that’s that how in the world did you make that

the guide or the master cycle zero?

the guide. This is the cycle I made.

You can not use small squares in a line but one big square in some places?

Try using the “Hide Details”


it really helps

Alright… anything else?

Wait compress the master cycle or the guide?

Nah, it’s honestly better if a guide is more comprehensive, but using “Hide Details” makes it look neater

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They want to compress the guide

Well just make sure it has straightforward instructions and the steps are clearly listed. Also make sure to separate the information in paragraphs. You can also use the hide details like Coolcaden26 said.


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