I Need Some Help about...... "Sensitive Content"

Yo, so what are some things that I can’t show in a a game about war? (Can I even make a game about war so long as I am sensitive about it?)

All I can say is if your teachers or classroom would not like it or stop not good. Also probably don’t put gims like exploding or something. Also a tip I find is if gimkit does not want it it’s not allowed without a dot in the forums so just try editing and putting different words to see if they are not allowed.


Well, I would suggest not doing wars that have already occured, like WW1-2, Civil War, French Revolution, etc.

No graphic violence, like bl00d, and gore.
Probably no mentions of h0micide or anything like that.
So… what WOULd be allowed is… like a fantasy war? Just don’t make it too realistic, I guess.


Thx! This will help with my game production.

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