What should I name my mafia/one night werewolf map???
Banana rush. is would be a game with bananas that you had to find around the course and sell them for moolah.
They were referring to ideas for a map name.
That isnt really what I was asking for. I was asking for game NAMES not ideas
Welcome to the forums, @squeezycheez!
The name would be banana rush
Welcome to the forums!
No, I was asking for name ideas for an existing game I have not a new idea&name
What’s your existing game about?
sorry about that. i didn’t know
It is a werewolf/mafia game
It’s fine we all make mistakes
Is the game itself going well?
The Werewolf Among Us.
I didn’t know what to name my game, so I named it
Capture the Flag: Mission Getrithekd.
Werewolf the Apocalypse
Welcome to the community @squeezycheez!
Yes sorry for the late response tell me if you have any suggestions I haven’t added many mechanics to make it work yet
Those j0in codes are very old
Someone flagged this post bc it required moderator attention? Idk but this post is just fine and they must be flag farming…
Like the graveyard! How did you do it?