I need minigame ideas!

ok @Kormorant it is laszer Mayzer is the name of my map but may change soon Edit; this is not advertising but the fact that I was asked for the name so please do not flag me

Marco Polo. I have heard of people doing it but it sounds hard!

It is. I made it myself!

are you free to add it to Epic Minigames later today?

probably but we’ll see


I’m thinking infection

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Pillars of fortune-Get a random item every 5 second either between a weapon, a heal, or a block. The lava rises every 10 second so build up and sabotage others.

Build Battle-Build in the outlines of structures with dynamic blocks. The judge decides the winner!

Overlay Smash-Press an overlay button that knocks out a random person every time its pressed.

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I don’t have platformer -:\

Was that edit before or after my post?!

wait how would you do this is a top-down map?

Tag, one team aginst another:
Seekers win if they catch everyone in a minute
Hiders win if one or more of them survives a minute

(Im not sure if you want solo or team games)

I’m gonna do both, (i wuv the team switcher), and great idea!

the flood would be following you in a maze

thats a sick idea tho

You combine all of the ideas together :rofl:

make the glass bridge from squid game!!!
I have a guide on it :smile:

advertising for myself :man_facepalming: :sweat_smile:

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This is probably gonna be a bit challenging, but what about like a Pac-Man?


I think someone made that, it would be really cool to see it as a minigame

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oh, cool! can you link it? (also, is the correct platform randomized or always the same?)