I need level ideas for my platformer map

I need level ideas for my platformer. Before you say, “Search it up.” or “This has been asked so many times!” I want new and fresh ideas for my platformer. Anyways, the platformer is kind of a parkour style/tower of difficulty platformer. (not exactly…)

Important to note: Make sure that the level idea is possible to create and not too hard for the player to complete it. And make sure that the level is appropriate and doesn’t have brainrot in it. Also, there’s going to be at least 5-10 levels in this game, and if I choose your level, you’ll get credited into the game. Plus, If you add an idea that involves sentries, I won’t choose your idea because this is not a battle game and I already have plenty of sentry ideas.

Idea format:

  • Name of the level:
  • How does the player complete it:
  • How to make it:
  • Image: (If possible, it’s not required but it helps me get a visual idea of the level you created.)

(If I did anything wrong, let me know. Thanks!)

Accepted ideas
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Lvl 1: Sentry Risings
You have to battle a series of sentries one by one. Just place a single sentry into a space. When defeated, teleport to a new space with another sentry. Do this as many times as you want to.

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Name:Tower maneuvers
How does player complete: I showed it in the gif.
How to make it: Its made of terrain and heres a photo

Heres a gif of me completing it.

By the way since I made the level can I get credit for the level if you are to pick it.


Yes, you’ll get credited if I choose your level, I forgot to add that into the post.

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Dungeon Descent
A labyrinth of dark stone halls constructed long ago, the earth has since begun to reclaim what was stolen from it, with vines and plants made sentient by a strange and ancient magic infesting the upper levels, while magma from the earth’s core rises throughout the lower levels. Rumor has it that a variant of the plant has made a lair at the heart of the magma pits, and has used its power to raise an army of Ozis and Siraths, reanimating the corpses and armor of servants of a long forgotten master.

As the player is headed generally downward in this level, make sure to include lots of split second slope jumps, which branch out in to different chambers with different obstacles in each. When a player reaches a dead end, the floor will fall after they complete the chambers fight, landing them on neo jumps over lava. After neoing up a crumbled wall, they will find an overgrown passage with vines and Evil Plant Gims that leads to the CORE, a large chamber with lava flowing down the walls and pooling on the floor. At the center is a Pink Plant GIm who send minions at you. The lava will require barrier art.

  • Name of the level: Sandy Scopes
  • How does the player complete it: Parkor and avoiding pits
  • How to make it: Sand Terrain.
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  1. Level name: Cold Climb
  2. How do you do it: Jumping on to the trees, snowmen, and terrain and missing avalanches
  3. How to make it: create a feeling of coldness by using snowy bare/not bare trees, snowy terrain, snowmen, and every 30 seconds activate lasers disguised by piles of snow that simulate avalanches.
  4. NOTE: Try to not make it too hard and put the snow piles with lasers only on some props. Also, make some snowmen fire snowballs.

By the way, what is the name of the map so I can play it when you release it? Also, try to make the snow piles fall down, not just appear randomly

Did you use AI to do some of that???

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Hello @the26t the user King_Thunder_Alt1 did not use AI for their suggestion becuase I put their text through zerogpt (A system that checks if something is AI) and it said zero percent AI. Though the text could have been put through an AI minimalizer but it is unlikely that this is AI.


Name: The Mountain Journey
Desc: A obby containing rough/bumpy terrain, slope jumps, lasers, traps, and moving objects. Set in a Mountain area
How to complete: get to the top of the mountain
How to make it: use grass terrain and make it bumpy or rough, add slope jumps with barriers, use lots of lasers and make them go on and off with laser beam manager, use barriers and make them move with help from an animation guide.

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Excuse me, but I did NOT use AI, and i am kind of offended you assumed I did without even bothering to check.

Sorry, @King_Thunder_Alt1. I’ll be sure not to make that mistake again. :person_bowing:

  • Name of the level: AESTHETICS OF HATE
  • How does the player complete it: rush through and complete the sentry fight. Set in a burning hellscape.
  • How to make it: Pitfalls, Slope jumps. And a few hidden pathways to get through the level.
  • Image: Nuh-uh.
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Name: Lava Dungeon
How to complete: Just jump through some random floating props in a lava filled dungeon or cave
How to make: Hang some lanterns and a black no-collision barrier to give it a dark creepy vibe. Another no-collision barrier to stimulate lava and a laser or zone connected to a respawn device. (I prefer using the zone setup) and also some medieval props to add to the dungeon vibe.


“No brainrot” is so real lol, the amount of skibidi t0!l3t games i’ve seen lately is kind of scary.

Anyway here’s an idea, sorry if it’s not original enough

level name: the market
how the player completed it: the player will jump around on boxes of fruits and vegatables, stacks of cash, market stands, logs… anything else you may find in a market!
image: here is an image of the props you could use + their names, along with some terrains

hope this helps! let me know if u have any questions! =D

EDIT: the top left says “MARKET STAND: BLUE”. sry it got covered
EDIT TWO: eeee, thx for picking mine!!!


CommanderGOAT, JoJoBro and King_Thunder_Alt1 (I can’t ping any of you guys, so I have no idea if you’ll get this.) Is it fine if I combine all three of you guys ideas together? Because in my opinion, all three of you guys ideas seem similar. And I think I can use those 3 ideas to make one big medieval run level.

Sure, no problem, their ideas just seem like enhancements of the lava area at the end of mine, I’m fine with that.

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Plant Hills
Defeating All Of The Piranha Plants In 100 Seconds
Use Sentries On Top Of Pipes And Make The Sentries Have Pink Evil Plant For Skin And Evil Eye For gadget

@kriz I said don’t put an idea that involves sentries, I already have enough sentry ideas as it is. It’s fine if you didn’t know, but next time please read the post thoroughly.