I need ideas please!

I’m afraid not @Jacob , however, you can make it so the player can only walk on a path that has those sentries that are across the path, but not right in front of the flag.

Try that, it could help.

Alright, thanks for the help again!

No problem @Jacob! :slight_smile:

Room Ideas

  • Radioactive room that slows (and poisons) you

  • Lab Room with poisonous plants

  • Snowy area with hail and snowstorms

  • Medieval Room


  • Quests

  • NPCs

  • Crafting/Farming

  • “Corruption” meter that grows as time passes and if it reaches 100%, you die

  • Trolls

  • Easter Eggs


You could use a button to activate a teleporter, or use it to deactivate a barrier.

Actually, if you wanted you could use a CIRCULAR*** zone around the flag that de-activates sentries on entry and re activates upon leaving!

*** sorry i just really like that circular zones is an option now

you can make an item hunt, with guards needing to be defeated, and like finding some form of passageway to get the item. Maybe like a sneaking element, for example stealthing past guards and stuff
also make traps

rage option:
make a room filled with invisible buttons, and make none of those buttons do anything. Make it so after a random amount or time (using a trigger or wire repeater) it opens the door, and make a room after it with the text: You missed something in the last room. And when they go back, open the door XD TROLL


thats very funny lol, but going back to zap_bolt, that flag one doesn’t work. It needs a certain team to get the flag but I don’t want teams!

Is there a solution for this?


all it is is the teams thats all…

Did you see my post? you can try looking at a few of them.

ya but I would like to know how to do what I was talking about

I have some room Ideas!

ok, gimme all ya got~!

yo what extra characters

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