I need ideas... i'm blank

Just a draft. How is it? Reply after your test.

You could have a multiple floor lighthouse, a old fishing dock, an old crafting blacksmith shop in ruins, some old house/huts, and a weird mansion strangely not looking too old like other buildings, but mysterious.

Finished my test :slight_smile: And… I like it! @Legobuilder I like that idea.

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Yes! Danke! Alright, just credit me and put it somewhere if you wanna use it.

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if you want to use my ideas, you don’t have to credit me I’m fine…

You could build an elevator for your building, so they can travel through the floors, @leo_flowers

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I always credit the people that give me ideas.

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what is the theme of the map that you are wanting? i need to know if you still want help.

The theme is more mysterious, or engaging and fun at the same time.

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a mini-carnival modeled after rainbow friends 2 from roblox.

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I managed to get the images of what it looked like ( Sorry for the long post) :

Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.27.13 AM
Screenshot 2024-02-23 9.27.03 AM

It looks good, maybe you can make a button that lets you into the tent, and make a really wierd like circus or something?

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Any more ideas? If not, imma go ahead and mark a solution.

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I loved all the ideas provided. Thank you all!


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