I need ideas for what to make

What theme should I make my map? I need ideas on what my map should be about. Ideas below are appreciated.

I was thinking of a theme for-

work together


Do you have any ideas for the theme of the game?

Maybe like an ocean survival game? You all spawn in on a boat, and have limited food and water. You have to survive a week before you make it back to land and win. Throughout the entire game, you could have the choice to cooperate and try to get enough food to survive the next day, or you could take someone out to make the food and water last longer. It’s all up to the players! Just realizing this kinda sounds like amoung us on the water


welcome to the forums!! @astralmoonlight

you should make a multiplayer puzzle game!
id love to see more of those type games.

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Bombs And The Map Is BombLand(not a real place) if it was shutdown

Clic clac definitely isn’t new. Or anything close to new
So why did you reply to them?


Ohhhh Sorry My Bad :frowning:

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How about this, @astralmoonlight:

  • You live in a medieval town that’s home to [INSERT THING HERE], but someone (maybe use a sentry) steals it one day. You must pursue them into a deep, dark, menacing forest to reclaim it. You can add tons of side quests in the game such as meeting people in the woods and maybe doing side quests that help you accomplish your overall goal. How’s that?
Bad news...

GimSolver’s retiring! Yet another Veteran that’s leaving! :crying_cat_face:


I must have accidentally tap reply

Gimsolver is neither an og or a veteran.


How’s he not a Veteran? He’s been around since November and has been very helpful and active. That’s the definition of Veteran.

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November is not a veteran thing. He’s barely been here for half the time me, or haiasi, or some other users have.


Which is why you and @Haiasi are also Veterans.

Anyways, whether he’s a Veteran or not, it’s really sad to see someone as active as him go.

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Haisai, if I post this, how long will it take you to instantly like it like every other replie in this topic?


Can we just get back on-topic

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Ohhhhh sorry just trying to follow the rules


@astralmoonlight Try this…


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