I need ideas for my SSBU map

My map is looking a bit bland. It needs some decor. Idk what to add tho. I need some help with decoration ideas

Map photos:

maybe more maps? (I know some of ssbu maps are very detail, go for some simplier ones)

THAT. LOOKS. EPIC. you should probably add some props with no collision for the background.

I am thinking (memory permitting) to add a short adventure mode

ooh! Good idea
(I love this forum)

is there splaoon in there and you can do what nitendo has failed to do add walulgi

for decor you could add some prop art like for splatoon the primise is that us humans died and they decided that the best course of action after becoming sentient was to take our stuff, turn in into weapons and then fight,

so for any splatoon maps add there weapons or maybe add the iconic fruits from animal crossing, some logos of the charthts can be found on the selction page so maybe remake some of them

another thing is maybe add in photos of the charcters themsleves like squidkids and octoling, maybe add toads (make the screaming stop) add in little hidden easter eggs like maybe a pikman somewhere

No offense, but “ultimate” is spelled “ultimate”, not “ultamate”

How would you add the fighting? Is it a two player battle, a sentry, or AI, which is almost impossible.