I need ideas for a farm game

I need ideas to add to a farm game I am making. Does anyone have any?

Make a farmers market where you can sell your crops to other players for money
(They get the crops you gave them)

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I already have that, but thanks for the idea.

I would reccomend modeling your game after the original game with your tweaks. REMEBER TO CITE ANY GAMES YOU HAVE COPYED FROM!!!

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For example you could ave a part where you have to fight locousts like a mini game

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I would also reccomend a small cowboy town where you ca go to and sell your crops, get water, and get better crops!

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A story mode where you sell crops to NPCs to save your family’s farm from a rich person.

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The best way to make a good game is to combine the aspects of many good games into one

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@th3_ca1tsune thats a good idea you should combine that with the other ideas provided. Rememeber to use layering and a food storyline +lots of details

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I’m not making a farm game. I do have a game in development that (hopefully) will make me a known creator. Thanks tho!

I would recommend your game be like:

  1. OH NO a evil landowner wants your farm raise ___$ to save it.
  2. main quest (defeat landowbwer and his crownies) you can upgrade ur weapons
  3. mini quests- find my cat or something
  4. funny stuff for laughs
  5. a continuation after you beat the main game
  6. a sequal

also as a meme u should add the lorax

maybe add a rideable tractor? use this guide to do so, but instead of a skateboard use the tractor prop.