Going off your previous topic: Minecraft Desert Temple Help - Help - Gimkit Creative
I made the inside of the desert temple, what would be the terracotta are barriers, there is a camera view, sand and dynamic sand terrain, and four stone pillars, although it would be wise to experiment with barrier pillars.
Orange-Red terracotta RGB: 119 112 37
Purple terracotta RGB: 77 20 123
Stone pillars RGB: 221 199 85
One other thing you can do with this is add buttons where the red circles are labeled dig down, when clicked you are teleported to the chest area but if you dig down on the Purple Terracotta you explode, if you wanted to make it even more cool you can make a +n+ exploding animation.
Simple chest design:
4 barriers:
2 black
1 light gray
1 Brown, RGB: 142 92 21