I need help with props

does anyone know how to make haunted house props. if so, please tell me

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sorry man. I can try I guess. idk tho

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you’ll have to combine other props and change the tints


I tried my best :smile:


Try broken glass and emojis, include leaves and maybe a black barrier with transparency on over everything.

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thats is realy amazing, thank you


Is the join code active? If so, that’s not allowed.

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no it is not :+1: i already learned that


for the broken glass windows, I put smaller barriers to make it look spikey. Its something fun to mess around with

oh… I forgot about that, but no worries, it was 16 hours ago

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Maybe use Chemical Tube (infected) or Command Table #2 (infected)
all or these Dark Wooden Sign (Tall)
Dark Wooden Sign (Arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (tiny rectangle)
Dark Wooden Sign (tall)
Dark Wooden Sign (Small)
Dark Wooden Sign (Arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (arrow)
Dark Wooden Sign (thin)
and Escape Hatch

Do this but fill some of the corners and leave spaces in the middle of the roof

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could you elaborate?

I just think that the picture only has holes in the corners, which makes it look wrong. I think it would be better to put some more wood in a few of those corner holes.

like this?

I think one right corner hole and one hole in the middle, towards the left, would do the trick.
Am I nit-picking too much?

could you give me a screen shot with the parts you see hole circled?

I honestly don’t know how to do that :sweat_smile: :

Are you on a Chromebook? You just take a screenshot of chrysostom’s screenshot, then click it when it comes out the side. There should be an edit option, and you can figure it out from there.

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