I need help with my map I'm having some troubles

set it will deactivate to channel team 1 and activate on channel team 2.

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wolftech it didn’t work

Try this, Make the scope of the barrier team or player. Now make the barrier deactivate on “authorize”. Now make a lifecycle for game start. It should trigger a relay that broadcasts for the team that CAN go in the barrier. Make the barrier active on game start and the relay should broadcast on “authorize”.

send a screenshot

ok one second

That sounds awfully similar to something I said.

It does

Leave im getting help from wolf right now you can help if this doesn’t work.

It is I am looking at smart coders words.

Oh. Ok. I remember a haze of saying that.

Screenshot 2023-10-06 11.05.00 AM

Just change the barrier when it says activate on game start to “No”.

@liamdrueke, make sure to mark a solution!

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