I need help with my game (pls help)

how do I make it to where I can make a code with buttons that you press and if you mess you get knocked?

Huh? I don’t get it. Do you mean a randomizer with a chance of getting knocked out?

If so: How to make a quick easy randomizer(updated version)

like you have to press buttons when colors pop up

So, the button actviates when the color pops up, or you have to press the button when that color pops up, and get the right button.

you have to press the button when that color pops up, and get the right button.

You can use checkers. If they click the button but it’s not linked to the right color, then will respawn. Maybe like that, or with lasers!

and remember no codes in the forums I know there has been none but just reminding you.