I need help with my desert

So, I’m making a game with a desert biome, but cant think of any things to put in it, and it takes up most of the map! I want it to look arabian, so no cacti or ratt’lers, please. I already have a small ruined city, and palm trees. Also please help me with terrain inspiration! I don’t want just sand. maybe layer ideas? The sand design is so repetitive…
Screenshot 2024-04-25 12.44.01 PM

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Maybe some NPC’s. Or just random patches of sand on a different layer.

The desert doesn’t really have many things in it.

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plus, this is a pvp map, so lots of things are needed to hide behind

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Maybe you could put an oasis.


ok, not lots of things, because deserts are still pretty empty, but still!

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I was thinking of that, actually, but thanks for reminding me!

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Maybe you could add sand terrain on top of the sand or scatter sand props around the map?

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maybe you could add famouse land marks or sand dunes idk.

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Rocks are always good. You could also add an excavation site. And some sand piles


Welcome back @VicVic_Nguyen


someone just list all this stuff so I can mark a solution. So many ideas!

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ME!!! (not yelling)
-sand dunes
-famouse land marks
-sand on top of sand

(edit- This is the first time my comment has been added as solution)


is it tho?

u got foursolutions

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Add cati, sand dunes, a village (like in minecraft), an oasis with palmt rees and a pyramid!

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I don’t remember those so it don’t count

it does count tho. you still got them

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