I need help with my crab soccer map!

I am trying to set up stadium adds like the ones in Blastball, but I cannot put an image in.

What do you mean by image?

Yeah, but you can decorate it! Check out this guide:

What is a crab soccer map is it like a map designed to be like a crab?

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@leahciM that just put a really wholesome image in my head lol :]
but yeah, what DO you mean by crab soccer?

Like, crabs playing soccer by the beach
Because thats what I thought
And @speedy_kd4 crab soccer is where you are on your feet and hands ‘crab walking’ and there is a big soccer ball (kinda like a big beach ball) that you kick around and kick into goals


ohh, thats sounds pretty interesting ngl.
and yeah, i imangined crabs playing soccer too lol


ohh ok I thought it was like a place designed to be like a crab but now I understand

Crab…soccer? The weird images in my brain. Please dont ask what they are.

Anyway, you could make custom ads with barriers and text boxes and props and things! Like this

I think crab soccer is a really cool idea though, I’d love to play it when you’re done.

Btw joe is a random name that takes <5 seconds to type.

You can’t have the offical adds yet. That is a device that has yet to been added. it allows files(images) to be placed so that is why it has not released, but you can use this guide.

{MINI GUIDE} How to make a AD 0/10 or ⬜

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