I need help with creating a save file for my players

Thanks! I’ll try it out!

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How would you display the code to the player?

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Text device.

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Gimkit code 1
Would this code work @Cellofive ?


Are those text properties?

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I did this on a popup with a trigger on "When receiving on channel____. And to answer your question, yes, those are properties.


You didn’t answer my question I asked if they were text properties


Ohhhhh. Yes, they are.


Sorry I will be back in the morning

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But would it work? It’s supposed to function like this: Step on the trigger, it opens the popup with your save code. Do you think my code could work? Btw I used an entirely different code for exporting the data. Scroll up and you should see it. It’s by @TorontoBulls1


I’m going to test it. Hopefully it works…

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It doesn’t work. :sob: I’ve been trying to make this for days! I need to release this update for my game!

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If someone could figure out how to show the save data code to the player using this code, I will be very thankful! I tweaked it a bit and fixed up the code to my own liking, as this is based off of @TorontoBulls1 code, so it’s not exactly the same, but it still functions the same way.

This code is used for exporting the data in your save code and implementing it to your game. I want something that can show the save code you have to input to export your save file. Please help!


To show the code to the player go into a text device and pretty much do the reverse of what you have in the save importing. I don’t really understand your modifications to my system so this will be for the original system i made and then hopefully you can modify it. Have the Kills property be multiplied by 100 and then add the levels. Now multiply that result by 100 and add the xp property and it should work. I can provide images in 2 hours.


I want a trigger wired to a popup to give the save file code, though. How can I make that happen? @TorontoBulls1?


Hey, @Godspawnking, Shdwy replied to you on the save file thing :confused:

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I solved that problem. I’m working on this problem. I saw it.

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I’m trying to show a player their save code through a trigger and a popup, using the code I used to save the data.

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oh okay. I wasn’t sure if you did, that’s all.

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@Blackhole927, could you help me figure out how to show a player their save code through a trigger and popup? I’m trying to make a save file for players in my game. I actually used this code to save the data:

I just need help with showing the save code. I got everything else down.

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